¿Por qué nosotros no? Acción Ciudadana por la Salud y el cambio de la Ley Española de Tabaco

How can you comply with the law if you smoke?

  • 1.- .- You should be conscious that your smoke is not only annoying, but it’s also a toxic element that causes sicknesses. Respect the norm from the beginning, and IF YOU WISH TO SMOKE, GO OUTSIDE.
  • With your responsible behavior, you will contribute to the compliance of the law, be able to share smoke-free spaces with others, and avoid the possibility of having to pay sanctions for breaking the law.
  • Since January 2, 2011, 257 million Europeans interact with each other, eat in restaurants and have fun in smoke-free bars and discos.

If you smoke, you should realize that:

  • 1.- You only inhale 15% of all the smoke that your cigarette produces; the other 85% between puffs goes into the environment, forcing everyone around you to smoke it.
  • 2.- Involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke for any non-smoker is equivalent to them actively smoking two or three cigarettes.
  • 3.- Tobacco smoke from your cigarettes negatively affects THOSE PEOPLE WITH YOU, especially their lungs and their cardiovascular system, increasing their risk of cancer, heart attack, and brain hemorrhages.
  • 4.- In Spain, more than 3,200 NON-SMOKERS die annually from secondhand smoke that they inhale in closed indoor places, including the home or cars. This number is HIGHER THAN THOSE KILLED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS.
  • 5.- Smoke-free places help you to better moderate your tobacco use.
  • 6.- If you avoid smoking in front of non-smokers and above all in front of minors and hospitality workers, you’ll show RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY.
  • Smokers are key in smoke-free laws. Join the movement and the other people who understand public health and social health as a basic human right.

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